Green Initiatives
The Saint Paul Hotel is committed to implementing energy-saving green initiatives wherever possible. Our hotel is historic, but we’re committed to using the latest cutting-edge technology to save energy and preserve our planet.

- Guestroom linen and towel conservation program in place.
- Single Stream recycling for paper, cardboard, steel, aluminum and glass.
- Light fixtures are retrofitted with high efficiency fluorescent and LED bulbs when possible.
- District Energy provides heating and cooling to the hotel and is a national leader in providing reliable service from renewable sources including biomass and solar.

- Linens, furniture, towels, soap and silverware are donated to local shelters.
- Energy Star rated appliances are sourced when possible.
- China, silver, glass and linen are used in place of plastics and Styrofoam in dining and meeting facilities reducing the waste stream.
- AVEDA products are offered in every guestroom. AVEDA purchases Green-e certified renewable energy from Xcel Energy’s Wind Source program to offset 100% of the electricity used for their headquarters, primary production and distribution facilities located in Minnesota.